========Instructions========================================= The program is made up of some Perl scripts, so you will need to have the Perl interpreter installed to be able to run them. This can be downloaded from http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/. The files here are set up for Windows computers, i.e. the path to Perl is simply 'perl'. If on a UNIX computer, change this to '/usr/bin/perl/', or wherever Perl is found on your system. Also change the path to Tidy at #181. Run on a machine with Apache installed so that typing http://localhost/ opens the local server's start page. Ideally unzip it to whatever http://localhost/Form2WSDL/ will be mapped to, as this was my setup. The file that fetches a page and outputs a WSDL listing for it is called convert.pl. It needs to be given an URL argument as a GET argument, so open index.html first, which'll present you with a form to fill in an URL. Beware of proxy issues, line 135 is commented out but if running in UCD you may have to add this back in to allow the robot to fetch the page. The invoking script is invoke.pl. To test this you can write your own client, or use the one I wrote in /testing/testing_client.pl. Use a browser to access testing_client.pl, and pass an URL argument and formid to this script in the form http://localhost/Form2WSDL/testing/testing_client.pl?url=http://example.com&formid=FormNumber1 Proxy issues may again come into play. To pass arguments to the invoking script (ie values for the form fields), edit the %formfields hash. Follow the formatting already there: "fieldname" => "fieldvalue", That should be it. :-) --Ross Shannon